Do you realize that in British Columbia the only medical dispensaries for Marijuana (Legally defined anyway) exist in the lower mainland?  A search on Google did not list any outside of Vancouver.  Feel free to make your own opinion as you watch this 45 minute documentary on the benefits of Marijuana.  Will your community (let's go Prince George) open a dispensary outside of the lower mainland?  Enjoy!
An original protest song.  How cool to listen to this on a sunny end days of summer evening.  Just in case the video does not display below, the video is a great rendition by a talented artist of the classic stonner song of "Don't Step On The Grass, Sam.  Where Stephenwolf will forever be the original artist; both versions are great ones to chillax to.  BCBud approved!  Enjoy!
Just found this comic to be funny and thought I would share it here in the vain attempt to get a few comments on the entire website.  We are developing it as we go, amid life's little setbacks and mostly self installed barriers; hopefully with your help :)  We did set a launch date for the launch of the full website, which will be branched into 2 parts.....   Stay tuned, the site is being planned by a couple of stereotype pot smokers!
Well, I was asked yesterday about the "addiction" that I have with Marijuana.  My Mom (*who is married to a war vet and member of the United Nations' Canadian Peacekeeper Veterans of Northern British Columbia) questioned me on my well known medicinal use of the evil weed.  I stated (as do many pot smokers I know) "I will never give this habit up" and added a few of the facts I have learned about the product.  They then asked me about the addiction.   "How long can you go without it?" they asked, no doubt picturing poor little me writhing in agony and beating my cats when I am out of product.  I explained that weed is not a pharmaceutical.
Pharmaceutical addictions to Opiates and man made illegally used prescriptions can be very painfull as the body desires the feel good effects that they bring.  Your body can be a cruel master, creating pseudo-pain in the joints, forcing you to seek the pills or substances that stop the very physical pain that withdrawal brings and trades it for feelings of pleasure.  The pain is very real.  Another factor is the fear of overdosing as the body builds tolerances to the product and "dosages" have to be larger to achieve the desired effect.  Alcohol and tobacco are in the same class as that, as is coffee.  With Pot, the withdrawals are real in the mind of the toker (in some of us anyway) but many psychiatrists have determined that the feelings are "symptomatic" and can be relieved by using distraction and exercise  rather than psychotropic drugs and institutionalization. 

In all my years of smoking pot, I have never come across a toker who truly suffered physically from 'Marijuana withdrawal"...   I spent a good portion of my time as a teenager as a "stonner" and quit it during my 20's with none of those addiction problems I doubted the "Refer Madness" mentality that my preceding generation believed which tells people that Marijuana brings horrible withdrawal symptoms.    Since taking it back up in my early 30's after my diagnoses of Multiple Sclerosis there has been rumors that Weed today is way more powerful then the weed we smoked in the 1970's and 80's.

I have not seen that in any weed i have smoked since taking it back up.  None has made me hallucinate like the Thai Stick I smoked back in 79.  *sigh* I suppose that was likely dipped in opium so that accounts for the hallucination effect.  According to the Wikipedia page I linked to Thai Stick was replaced by more potent weed that was pure and organic with no addiction factor...  I likely smoked some of that stuff back in the day too; The BC town I grew up in was a provincial storehouse for the distribution of many drugs and Pot was the commodity which was used as currency to purchase the other drugs that flooded the town.  Even pets were affected.
Happy Sunday!I  I had a weedless weekend all this weekend.  I woke up this AM at 2:30 am after falling asleep around 11:30pm and did not get back to sleep till about 7:30.  That sucked as the night before I fell asleep early and woke up at 3.  Good thing it's the weekend but I need to sleep tonight.  Scary thoughts rolled through my mind and made me study the wonder of our society in the illegal side of Medical Marijuana.  If I was addicted to Meth, Crack, or any one of any of the Opiates I would have no freaking problem getting medicated.   Weed dealers are laid back and you are very lucky not to piss them off when you show up looking for credit while they sleep; even in the afternoon.

Usually when I wake up that early I usually just light up a joint.  puff puff (imagine a pass).  Imagination sucks when even puff puff is imaginary and reduced to playing the above song repeatably   I really need a bag of weed.  No money on hand kind of messes with having enough supply to last between paychecks.

Hmmmm.  I tried the first 3 that came onto my messenger through 2 days unsuccessfully.  No stock; laughter, no response to call,  angry outburst at giving credit...  Seems the suppliers on that side are not to sympathetic when it comes to trusting their clients...  Oh well, at least Weed "addiction" is not bad like pharmaceutical withdrawal...  Wait- Bud on Norwood.  Cool.  SCORED ~3:20pm; heading to 420 and uploading at 5:20... ---> Shoot -I'm late!